Hammond, Eryn Title: Bound
Hammond, Eryn Title: Bound
  • Hammond, Eryn Title: Bound
  • Hammond, Eryn Title: Bound

Hammond, Eryn Title: Bound


Eryn Hammond


Oil on Canvas

20 x 20 x 1"



A dedication to a recently passed close friend. Bound puts a spin on the Roman god Janus, depicted with two faces. One looking to the future, one looking to the past. Total opposites but the same. Bound can mean headed towards a destination or restricted to move. Always in my heart, I move forward.

Artist's Statement:

As a little girl, I was obsessed with anime. To capture and keep the moments, I would pause the tv and draw what I saw. My mother, captivated by my ability, reached out to my aunt who owned her own art studio and taught children and adults the fundamentals of art. For three years, my aunt mentored and taught me some fundamentals. I walked away from art for a long time, drawn to other passions and discouraged seeing my artistic peers have a sole and passionate purpose for art. As I got older and experienced so much pain and loss, I looked to my art, to tell stories my lips couldn’t. Inspired by artists such as Frida Kahlo that captured and conveys her stories of pain through her self-portraits, I started telling my stories through my art.


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