Jackson, Mary Nell Title: Love Is in the Air

Jackson, Mary Nell Title: Love Is in the Air


Mary Nell Jackson

Love Is in the Air

Acrylic, Charcoal on Canvas

48 x 48 x 1.5"



I wanted to add Pop Art characteristics to my painting. The Pop Art touches remind me of pieces that I loved to make in elementary school. The colors, strokes , and shapes bring a sense of whimsical playfulness.

Artist's Statement:

           After creating the skeleton of a painting, I build and build with paint, then experiment with “breaking down” areas by rubbing and scraping, soon to discover fresh, renewed pieces that were once buried under layers of paint. Finding these once hidden and newly discovered bits are intriguing and fun to reintroduce to a painting. I typically paint on large canvases. Painting on a larger scale allows me to bring in brush strokes and lines filled with energy and strength. I have always enjoyed straying from the boundaries of conservative art, and I hope this body of work allows my viewers to see excitement, mystery, and strength.


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