Leone, Ron Title: The Greek Eye
Leone, Ron Title: The Greek Eye
Leone, Ron Title: The Greek Eye
  • Leone, Ron Title: The Greek Eye
  • Leone, Ron Title: The Greek Eye
  • Leone, Ron Title: The Greek Eye

Leone, Ron Title: The Greek Eye


Ron Leone

The Greek Eye

25.5 x 23.5 x 1.5"

Quilt Applique


This piece was inspired by a trip to Greece. In every Greek home there are Greek blue eye charms everywhere. They are beautiful and a wonderful gift to receive or give, a true symbol of love and protection towards another person or family.

Artist Statement:

Ron Leone: Men In Quilts - I started quilting over 10 years ago after I retired. Since I was child, I always enjoyed working with fabric and creating beautiful things. Whether it was designing & making outfits for marionettes I created or just stitching up some fun Halloween costumes…working with fabric has always been fun to me. Being a tactile person, I find working with fabrics, battings and threads very satisfying. There are few things as sensuously tactile as working in fiber art. The different textures, colors and designs are very inspiring.
Also, though this may sound weird – I find the hum, motion and vibrations of a sewing machine very calming.
Over these many years, I have created many quilts and quilted items that make people happy, keep people warm and make their homes more beautiful – this make me (and them) very happy.

Collection: Fabric & Fiber

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