Karen Bonday

When I see clouds trailing across a deep blue sky, framed by tall green trees dancing in the breeze, or golden sunrises and peaceful sunsets, I am in awe of that moment of nature, a moment that will never be repeated exactly the same way. Nature is always revealing herself in fleeting moments. Even our own lives are fleeting moments.

Painting is a spiritual experience for me - to capture a fleeting moment and reflect on its brief existence, using color boldly at times, and at other times, gently to merely suggest. Putting a tree here or a cloud there…there’s no wrong way about it, it exists the way I paint it, and therefore it is good. I love to create nature’s beauty on canvas, and to share my sense of wonder, freedom, and respect of nature.

I have always loved creating art. Oils were my first endeavor into painting. I love the rich colors, texture, and the aroma. Recently, I began to paint Plein Air, using acrylics because of their vivid colors, versatility, and fast drying aspect. They allow me to paint at a quick pace that I think captures the essence of wherever I am.  I feel I can now dive into my creativity like never before - and am finding a new satisfaction in what I do.

I hope my art will connect spiritually with others, and they find a sense of peace and pleasure in my paintings. People tell me they feel transported to the moments I create in my art.… and feel a sense that all is well with the world... in this moment. 


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