Norma Woodward


Norma McGehee Woodward received her first camera, a Brownie Hawkeye which she still owns, as a preteen and was immediately captivated by photography in a time when black and white film was taken to the local drugstore to be developed.  Today she shoots digitally with a Canon DSLR.

Norma is currently a member of Brush Strokes Gallery, Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts both located in Fredericksburg VA, Crossroads Art Center, Richmond VA, Photographic Society of America, Jackson Photographic Society (in her hometown of Jackson MS) and Fredericksburg Photography Club of which she served many years as the first President.

Norma has had images accepted in juried shows in Vermont, California, Mississippi, Virginia, Texas and others including an international show in Serbia.

In her words, "Our world is a smorgasbord of photographic opportunities.  I have been lucky enough to travel our country and internationally; however, many of my most successful images have been taken near home in my quest to capture intrinsic beauty of common things as well as those which are exotic."



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