Shaw, Linda Title: Kicking Back at the James River
Shaw, Linda Title: Kicking Back at the James River
Shaw, Linda Title: Kicking Back at the James River
  • Shaw, Linda Title: Kicking Back at the James River
  • Shaw, Linda Title: Kicking Back at the James River
  • Shaw, Linda Title: Kicking Back at the James River

Shaw, Linda Title: Kicking Back at the James River


Linda Shaw

Kicking Back At The James River

Oil on Panel

12 x 12 x .5", framed to 13 x 13 x 1.25"



This painting captures one of Richmond's favorite pastimes, kicking back at the James. The couple was thoroughly relaxed enjoying the sounds, sights and delights of the River. It was clearly a banner day -- ordinary yet extraordinary - and quintessentially Richmond day


Artist Statement: 

I am an expressionistic oil painter that loves to paint landscapes, people, interiors and animals. I use energetic brushwork to communicate my passion for my subjects with the intention of creating a two-way narrative with the viewer. The mundane is not mundane in my eyes. Rather, it is an opportunity to explore and illuminate the day-in, day-out lives we live. Richmond is our collective home. She is multi-layered, rich in spirit and full of humanity. My Richmond oil paintings aim to reflect and celebrate our connection to this small, yet magnanimous city.

Collection: Ode to Richmond Exhibition

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