Watts, Sandra Title: Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill
Watts, Sandra Title: Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill
Watts, Sandra Title: Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill
  • Watts, Sandra Title: Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill
  • Watts, Sandra Title: Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill
  • Watts, Sandra Title: Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill

Watts, Sandra Title: Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill


Sandra Watts

Flowers behind McCormack’s Whiskey Grill

Oil on Canvas

20 x 16 x .75", framed to 21 x 17 x 2.5"



Tucked away in an alley shines this beautiful gem of flowers which dress up a quaint sitting area for friendships.


Artist Statement: 

Sandy Watts has enjoyed making art from a young age. Her life has led her to employment outside of creativity and is now embracing life as an artist. She has, however, been able to study with Curney Nuffler and Adele Castillo, both resident artists at  Crossroads Art Center.  She regularly paints with the Virginia Plein Air Painters, and is a member of the Chester Artist Association. 

Collection: Ode to Richmond Exhibition

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