Dillard, Cheryl Title: Looking North (from the Slave Trail)
Dillard, Cheryl Title: Looking North (from the Slave Trail)
Dillard, Cheryl Title: Looking North (from the Slave Trail)
  • Dillard, Cheryl Title: Looking North (from the Slave Trail)
  • Dillard, Cheryl Title: Looking North (from the Slave Trail)
  • Dillard, Cheryl Title: Looking North (from the Slave Trail)

Dillard, Cheryl Title: Looking North (from the Slave Trail)


Cheryl Dillard

Looking North (from the Slave Trail)

Oil on Canvas

12 x 9 x .5", framed to 13.5 x 10.5 x 2"



Looking North was painted on site from the Richmond Slave Trail (south bank of the James River) on a warm and muggy day in February, 2023, following three days of rain. Multiple layers of detail were added in the studio.


Artist's Statement:

Nature has been incorporated into most of my work for over thirty years.  Recently, I have re-activated my interest in both plein air painting and drawing the figure from life.  While I continue to enjoy allowing a painting to remain in its raw sketch form, I will sometimes develop them further in the studio if it calls for greater detail. 

Collection: Under Three Feet

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