Hollett-Bazouzi likes to plow through artistic and life challenges with determination. A plein air and studio painter who works mostly in oils, she likes to use a palette knife to make beautiful landscapes. “It is more challenging and I like a challenge,” she says. “Not everybody uses it and I am a bit of a rebel. If everybody else is doing something, I want to do something different.
Dedicated to painting en plain air, when the weather is too bad to be outside, Hollett-Bazouzi will drive to a good location and paint while seated in her car. As the lead artist for the Virginia Plein Air Painters, Hollett-Bazouzi has also found ways to keep the group painting in the time of “stay-in-place”. One solution - A Virtual Paint Out where the artists painted from their balconies, porches or back yards and posted the results online.
When asked what she is doing with her time away from her job at CAC and volunteer tour guide at the VMFA, Hollett-Bazouzi responded, “It’s a great opportunity for me to re-set and do some cleaning up.” Of course she, like all of us, has adapted from her regular routines. “I don’t know how WAWA is solvent with me not going there every day,” she says. But fear not. She has figured out a way to have her WaWa coffee at home in an extra large WaWa mug to boot!