Susan states: "My Artwork expresses my desire to take everyday subject matter and elevate them to a new life, either through vivid color or dramatic contrast. In doing so, I hope that people will become more aware of their surroundings. As the world changes so too will my paintings, and the subjects I paint. Therefore I am only limited by the size of my paper or canvas and my imagination."
Susan’s talent and skill emphasize rich color and vibrant imagination. She has been the recipient of many awards locally as well as nationally. She is a signature member of The National Watercolor Society, Baltimore Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, Missouri Watercolor Society, Texas Watercolor Society, Virginia Watercolor Society, Watercolor West and Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club in New York City. You can view more of her work and awards at
Her work can be found in over 30 corporate collections as well as private collections in the United States. She also has paintings in North Light Book’s Splash 10: Passionate Brushstrokes and the soon to be released Splash 11: New Directions.
Susan has been an art instructor for over 20 years. She teaches 4 mixed media painting classes a week at Crossroads Art Center. She also teaches workshops locally as well as nationally.~
Susan M. Stuller NWS TWSA