Yeaw, Timothy Title: Soul Finds Rest
Yeaw, Timothy Title: Soul Finds Rest
Yeaw, Timothy Title: Soul Finds Rest
  • Yeaw, Timothy Title: Soul Finds Rest
  • Yeaw, Timothy Title: Soul Finds Rest
  • Yeaw, Timothy Title: Soul Finds Rest

Yeaw, Timothy Title: Soul Finds Rest


Timothy Yeaw

Soul FInds Rest

12 x 12 x 1", framed to 15.5 x 15.5 x 1.75"

Oil on Panel



Evening marsh in springtime. This scene overwhelmed with a sense of peace and restfulness. My interest was to paint the calm emotion while at the same time expressing the life and movement that is ever present in nature.

Artist's Statement:

"I make peaceful pictures, but beyond the making with my hands, I think I'm trying to make peace with a culture that seems to be in constant conflict. Perhaps we have simply taken our eye off of beauty. I've been greatly influenced by the masters of the early 1900s. Whistler, Turner, Twachtman, Inness and others– who IMO painted emotionally stunning landscapes with a modern intent –art for its own sake and finding beauty in expression and the paint itself rather than the subject." 

Collection: May 2024 All-Media Show - The Gift of Trees

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